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Is Ross Residence For You? 

Important Information For The 
Ross Residence  


Ross Residence is owned and operated by persons whom are qualified through their education in Addictions, Indigenous Addictions and Social Work, in addition to having been accredited through CCPC Global and The Canadian Addiction Counsellors Certification Federation.


  • The Ross Residence is a structured sober house providing an alcohol and substance free living environment to increase the success for persons working to live a life free from addiction. â€‹

  • In order to guarantee the safety of our home and its residents, Ross Residence must maintain a ZERO tolerance policy for residents who relapse. The use drugs or alcohol in or outside of the home will result in immediate eviction. Clients who are in suspicion of drug or alcohol use will be given the option to take a drug and alcohol test, or vacate the premises. * Note that patrons who do relapse can re-enter the home after completing an addictions treatment program.

  • All new residents will undergo an introduction and orientation process with staff on first day of occupancy. 

  • Residents are required to attend Alcoholics Anonymous and/or Narcotics Anonymous, Alanon meetings with the amount being dependent upon individual capability and length into recovery. Residents are required to attend in house circle meetings on a weekly basis. 

  • To maintain the comfort and cleanliness of the home, residents are required to contribute to the homes upkeep by completing assigned in house community chores, in addition to individual responsibilities, such as cleaning Kitchen and bathroom after each use. 

  • House and individual room checks will be conducted weekly for safety and sanitary reasons.

  • Guests will not be permitted in the house until client has maintained tenancy for 30 days. Guest maximum are 2 people per visit, although, visitation rules can be evaluated on a case by case basis. There are no overnight guests permitted in the Ross Residence. * Note you will assume full responsibility for all guests who enter the home. 

  • Clients are to maintain respect for fellow house mates. The house will not tolerate racism, any form of abuse, intimidation or other threatening behaviours. 

  • Clients are strongly encouraged to develop a social network that coincides and assists in sobriety. Residents are encouraged to avoid friends and family who are not yet healthy in order to deter from relapse. 

  • Clients are encouraged to provide mutual support and encouragement in recovery with other roommates. 

  • Longer term tenants are strongly encouraged to assist and encourage new tenants in the spirit of “giving back.

  • Residents are required to pay rent on time and adhere to curfews. 

  • Rent Includes furniture, bedding, kitchen and bath amenities, utilities, cable, internet and a house phone.


Rent Costs:

Security Deposit: $350.00

Room Rental: 850.00


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233 Bacon Place 

Fort McMurray, Alberta




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